6 weeks ago I changed my personal plan. I had wanted to start working out, but using my plantar fasciitis as an excuse is too easy. The pain isn’t going away and it’s getting worse! My wife is much better than I at not letting excuses get in her way. In fact, if it wasn’t for her, I would most likely not be eating as well as I have been. The meal prep has been amazing! I’ve been piggy-backing off of her healthier decisions when it comes to the meals. Yet I haven’t completely embraced everything that she has been doing to make better choices for myself. I still enjoy more sweets and adult beverages than she does and I haven’t started working out like she has. Bit I can say that I have made some doctor’s appointment so I am hoping that some of the pain relief will be a thing of the past soon so I can start working on those beach muscles! It is my hope that I’ll be able to start working out before the end of this month!
Tag Archives: Better Choices
That’s Just the Way I Feel
I’m not sure what I am going to type here. Most definitely not something inspirational, and to some, entirely triggering. So if you have depression or dark thoughts, this will not help you feel better. In fact, if you are an empathetic person, this may make you feel worse. Reader beware.
Today, has been a day. The past week, has been a week. The past month, has been a month. The days, the months, the years, don’t get any easier. I have found that the older you get, they just go by faster. I continue to experience a rollercoaster of emotions and my life feels about as small as it ever has. I know that I am doing some good things for myself. I know its for the right reasons. It just feels like the energy it takes to do what I am doing in life is more than I have to give. So many people are in need of so much that it feels like there is nothing left of me to give. I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough energy. How can I continue to take care of other people when I feel like I can’t take care of myself? There is still so much to do but there aren’t enough hours in the day. I feel like every time I get close to getting my head above water something pulls me back down. I have nothing witty or motivational left to say. My students got everything I had today. My hope is that at least some of them understand that even if they don’t think that someone cares about them and their ability to be successful contributors to the world; I care. As much or as little as that matters to them, its why I am a teacher.
I feel bad for my family. I am tired and angry most of the time. It’s not their fault. I’ve spent most of my life trying to please other people or fix things. Sure I fall into the selfish trap every once in a while and do things for myself, but it seems that those moments in time are few and far between. And as much as I would like to say F-it and run away from everything and go live under a bridge, there is something inside me that continues to say, “Stick it out! It will be worth it!” I know my family loves me. I know there are students out there who need to hear that I care. I know there is good in the world. I know that I am where I need to be for now. And I’ll be OK. Writing all of this out is cathartic in a way. At the very least it allows me to vent and not keep it all bottled up. I know some of you know what I mean. That’s just the way I feel.
If you think you might need some help, or know someone who may need this, please remember that someone is there to listen to you 24 hours a day at https://988lifeline.org/.
You are loved.
The Plan is Working
Today is January 28th. As of this morning I have given 8 pounds away in 25 Days. This reduction in weight is the result of a few changes to my diet; not from hitting the gym or committing to dry January. I have not worked out for far too long now, and I don’t like setting myself up for failure. The truth is that my wife and I are trying to eat healthier. We are planning our meals better and using ingredients that don’t have all the extra-long words that we can’t pronounce in them. Imagine that. It seems like going back to what worked for me before is where we are finding success today!
Back in 2012 I decided to get healthy. In about 7 months time I lost 60 pounds through diet and exercise. It was a major commitment. This time I am just watching the types of food I eat and I vowed to not buy any beer this month. I am happy to say though that I am drinking a Hoppy Refresher instead of beer. Thank you Lagunitas for taking care of us bitter taste lovers.
Picture borrowed from bitterpops.com
I am sitting at 204 pounds right now. My plantar fasciitis is almost under control. And I am hoping that by this weekend I will be under 200. Then I will start getting on the indoor bike and work on getting back on that cardio. Let’s see if I can get back to the 170’s by this Summer! Bring on those beach muscles!