March Madness

6 weeks ago I changed my personal plan. I had wanted to start working out, but using my plantar fasciitis as an excuse is too easy. The pain isn’t going away and it’s getting worse! My wife is much better than I at not letting excuses get in her way. In fact, if it wasn’t for her, I would most likely not be eating as well as I have been. The meal prep has been amazing! I’ve been piggy-backing off of her healthier decisions when it comes to the meals. Yet I haven’t completely embraced everything that she has been doing to make better choices for myself. I still enjoy more sweets and adult beverages than she does and I haven’t started working out like she has. Bit I can say that I have made some doctor’s appointment so I am hoping that some of the pain relief will be a thing of the past soon so I can start working on those beach muscles! It is my hope that I’ll be able to start working out before the end of this month!